06 junho 2009

Cruzeiro Fluvial

Você curte um cruzeiro fluvial?
Se você eh uma pessoa “aquática” veja só a super dica de viagem que encontrei para você.
São 15 dias viajando pelo rio Ganga (Ganges) de Varanasi ate Kolkata (Calcutá)!!!!!!
Discover the Ganges
This voyage down a stretch of the 1,560-mile-long Ganges gives visitors a unique insight into India and her people.
Soak up the sights, sounds and spirit of India by spending a fortnight on board the R V Bengal Pandaw as it makes its way 800 miles down the river from Kolkata to the temples of Varanasi.
  • Noble Caledonia (020 7752 0000; www.noble-caledonia.co.uk) offers the 16-night “Slowly On The Ganges” tour from £3,495 per person, including return flight, transfers, 14 nights’ full board, one night’s hotel accommodation in Delhi and shore excursions. Cruises from Kolkata to Varanasi depart on October 27 and November 1 and from Varanasi to Kolkata on October 11 and November 15.
Descubra outros destinos de cruzeiros fluviais culturais neste link abaixo:

Tem tambem este aqui:
The Anglo-Indian Assam Bengal navigation Company operates two vessels, RV Chairadew and RV Sukapha, each accommodating 24 passengers in 12 cabins.

Active Travel has two eight-day cruises, along either the upper or lower sections of the river.


Bon Voyage!
