28 junho 2009

My Blogger Experience


On July 14th, 2005 I chose Blogger to create INDI(A)GESTÃO, the first blog in Portuguese language about Indian culture and news.

As a Brazilian living in India for the last 10 years and knowing of the difficulty Brazilians have in understanding English, I decided to create INDI(A)GESTÃO in Portuguese and share with my fellow countrymen/women the knowledge I have gathered through all these years of study and practical experience living in India.

I am a teacher and INDI(A)GESTÃO is my classroom.

In it, I am able to dispel wrong concepts and misunderstandings about the rich Indian culture. This classroom is ever growing and I am proud to say that it has crossed the mark of half million visitors!

INDI(A)GESTÃO and I have a very good reciprocal relationship. I give to it as much as it gives to me.

I gave it more than 1500 posts and it gave me more than 300 followers. I gave it all my dedication and it gave me recognition by getting awarded 3rd place as Best Foreign Language blog in Blogger’s Choice Awards 2008.

It has reached readers over 130 countries. INDI(A)GESTÃO has 370 subscribers that receive it everyday trough email and it has inspired dozens of Brazilians to create their own blogs and many are now imitating and even copying my writing style and everything else about INDI(A)GESTÃO.

Thanks to this incredible INDI(A)GESTÃO I have made many new friends, admires and devotees.

Journalists seek my advice. A soap opera was made for TV of which INDI(A)GESTÃO, was the base, is now being aired in Brazil. 

The latest accomplishment was to have INDI(A)GESTÃO inspiring a Master’s degree thesis, where the main element of study of course is INDI(A)GESTÃO itself!

INDI(A)GESTÃO has participated in both Blog Action Day and it will continue to do so.

I can only thank Blogger for allowing me and all other bloggers to express freely our view points in our blogs and try to cooperate as we can with a better world. A world where sharing visions and opinions can hopefully lead to its improvement.
